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Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Grading Giggles and Smiles for Mom ~ Homeschooling Moments

Grading this morning, this essay was in the pile.  Written by my son.  When I looked at the essay options, it was a no brainer.  He is a man of few words.  He clearly has his own set of priorities.  When it is important to him, he is always able to communicate very well.  Food has been and will always be on the top of his priorities list.  He has been interested in the kitchen since he was born.  Very in tune with the smells and aromas in the home and with a desire to sample and participate in family dinners long before he was able or even should sample table food, due to his preemie status.  What do you think?  I think it might, also, be hint to his momma, who is also his teacher... A dinner option sometimes soon, maybe?  

   Lasagna is one of my most favorite foods in part to the ease of preparation, the flavor, and the aroma. First of all, it is fairly easy to prepare. Then once in the oven and it begins to cook it has a marvelous aroma that fills the house. The smell seems to make it almost impossible to wait for it to come out of the oven. When it comes out, and you sit down to eat it is easy to savor every bite because of the amazing flavor of fresh herbs and spices as well as the melted cheese. Smell, taste, and ease of preparation are just a few reasons why lasagna is my favorite food.

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