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Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Passport to Purity by Dennis and Barbara Rainey

The past month we started up on Passport to Purity again.
Ideally, it is done in a weekend.
Parent and child go away and have a special weekend together.

Sometimes life and the schedule are in agreement... sometimes not.

With two of the kids, get aways were possible.
Now with two, that wasn't possible.
I put it off and put it off until child number 4 just isn't getting any younger!

So back in February when we were headed up to Kansas City for a weekend, we started up Passport to Purity again.
We worked through the first 2 CDs as a family during the drive.

The first two CDs address a lot about being able to talk with your parents and peer pressure and friendships. They also encourage young men and women to begin to think about the choices they want to make in the future.  What was great about doing this a family, is getting to hear from the older kids and the perspective they have now several years later.  The younger ones really do look up to and listen to their older siblings, it is a great opportunity for them to hear from someone else other than just me.  Life is just full and busy and sometimes it just doesn't fit into the dinner conversation to talk about some of these topics, so revisiting and introducing the opportunity to think about friends, choices, peer pressure and personal struggles during the car ride was good.

Recently, my (number 4) asked if we could skip youth group one night to work through the next cd.  We did!  We survived and it was good.  We are almost done.  I appreciate getting to listen to the cd while someone else brings up the difficult topics  and explanations.  We listen together.. laugh..roll the eyes and sigh with relief  when cd 3 is complete.  Some things are just not easy to talk about.  But it is so important to do it.  The great thing about Passport to Purity is they do a lot of the difficult talking, (the telling) and I get to bond with my kiddo over how uncomfortable it was to listen to all "that stuff" and just ask and answer questions and chat and listen.

This is our car setup.  The cd player in the car has gobbled up a cd and isn't willing to let it go right now, so we went to plan B.  We have a tape player (in the suburban) + a tape that plugs into our mobile devices.  Our mobile devices then play and it is broadcasted through our car's sound system. Pretty nifty.  In the process, my kids have discovered what a "portable cd player"/Walkman is!! When we went to Wal-mart and were asking about them, the sales guy (a teenager) asked, "You want a boom box?"  No, nothing that big!  Too funny.  Technology today...

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