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Sunday, March 13, 2016

Trying something new in my crockpot!

Ms. Scarlett, is a very faithful companion in my kitchen.  (She is known by other names: crockpot, slow cooker.) She is a blessing regardless of her title.  This past week, it was brought to my attention of another beautiful skill she has.

She can brown hamburger!

This tip just made my day.  There are days, I just know the dinner hour is going to be difficult.  Knowing this ahead of time is half the battle.  Then coming up with solutions to reduce the number of steps in getting to the table is the other part of the battle. Mrs. Scarlett saves the dinner hour frequently.  She warms up soups for lunch or dinner.  She has made lasagna for me on days, I can't be home to slip it in the oven at the right time. She makes so many delightful dishes.  I just never considered she had this blessed talent.

While this is not an extraordinarily difficult chore, it does sometimes require planning and effort on what could be very busy, exhausting and chaotic days.  She doesn't do it quickly.  But that is okay.. quickly done isn't always necessary.  A friend of mine whispered this gem of knowledge to me via text.  I was flabbergasted and excited all at once.  She told me her personal assistant helps with Taco Tuesdays.  At lunchtime she delegates the browning of hamburger.  Hamburger + 1/4 cup of water + seasonings.  A few hours later she gives it a stir and breaks up the hamburger and by dinner time, viola! All that is needed is the sides and maybe the adding of some beans to stretch the meat/protein of the night.

I am so excited because today, is one of those days, where I know I am going to need a little extra help later in the day.  Sometimes cutting one 10 minute task off the to do list is all it takes to reduce the stress load of crazy family schedules.

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