My Amazon Store

Friday, October 9, 2015

It is the little things that make my kiddos smile! It is the big things that make my heart soar!

This came in the mail today.

My kids love snack bars.  The athletes and health nutty ones really like it if they are "protein" bars.
So this arrived today.
The question was who gets it???
So the label was read and it was "happy tummy!"  No peanut/nut contamination.  I offered it up to all to split and try together.  My allergy one, oh so (wisely) declined.  Mom, they make nutty/peanutty versions.  The facility it came from just might not be safe.  True...but it has to be on the label...  Then I told him he was wise and correct in questioning the possibility of possible cross contamination.  And he was right to decline if he was concerned and didn't want to take the chance.
My heart just soared.  At first it was jumping and skipping because the oohs, ahhs and getting to see the smiles.  But then witnessing a maturity in my youngest as he is growing up and learning to take responsibility for his health and able to make decisions/sacrifices based on the big picture.  He didn't pout.  He didn't get upset.  He just recognized the risk and determined whether it was worth the risk and made a choice he was vey happy and content with...   That is hard to do, even as a grown up.  Just so proud. My heart couldn't help but swell up and soar because I know how much he normally feels left out by the protein snack bar world.. so many are nutty and/or peanutty.  Today, it just didn't matter.  Contentment.

In the event, you are wondering how this little bit of freebie heaven found its way into our mailbox, I am signed up with Sample Storm  Free to join.  Freebies are offered.  Just click and sign up for the ones you want.  I opt out of a lot of the extra emails.  I don't seem to get flooded with too much extra email as a result.  The packages we get periodically are super fun suprises to find in the mailboxes!  Free kitty food, personal "girly" products, lotions, toothpaste, paper products, magazines, and makeup are just some of the goodies we get.  There is a referral program, points are earned for referring people who sign up.  I have yet to redeem any points. I have primarily focused on signing up for the free sample offers.
Let me know if you sign up and enjoy the mailbox suprises!

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