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Sunday, January 24, 2016

A weekend that was both restful and productive ~ God leaves me so amazed!

It has been a great weekend!
I love weekends at home.
I managed to tackle some big and not so big things on the to do list.

We slept in.  All five of us!  That is a big deal.  Especially considering my youngest is ALWAYS up with the sun.  And there has been a sneaky virus that made it in the front door.  So sleep is essential in healing and recovering and helping the rest of us avoid being introduced to this unwelcomed guest.

Some decluttering and organzing happened with the Ebay piles.
Some listings were posted, some were scheduled, more pictures taken, some of which have been edited.  There is a fresh new pile of things to get done and a plan of attack for getting things out of the house before the weather is warm enough for a garage sale.  I had a few sales, so things are on their way out the door!

Laundry is all caught up..(well until tomorrow!)

Awesome meals were made that are saved for the weekends when school and appointments and practice schedules are competing for time and energy.  AND I managed to find a HUGE pork roast marked down, so it has been cut for two meals and bagged up with marinades and seasonings for 2 meals in the future.

Some reorganization happened in the pantry.  The spice cabinet received an overhaul. It was long over do.  I was tired of empying the whole cabinet just to find what I needed.  Sometimes, there are just too many cooks in the kitchen.  Especially with eager younger ones who desire to be helpful and show some initiative.  Reorganizing the cabinets was meant to be helpful... Someone needs to create an emoji with hair being pulled out and hearts for eyes.  I love the very much...but sometimes I wish the life lessons were tomorrow and not today.

We caught up on some school projects that were waiting for some Mom time.

A CVS trip with coupons in hand.
Grocerys at Dillons with coupons and loyalty card in hand.

My coupon box was tidied up and reorganized.
Email inbox was cleaned out.

Closet organization and decluttering happened in 2 rooms.

Home manicures for my daughter and I were done.  Colors in honor of the hockey games this weekend!

Home facial treatments done.  I considered a picture of me trying out the Young Living ART Beauty Mask but my vanity and my kids' teasing have convinced me otherwise.  I was called "Mummy."  Kids who woke up while I was doing vision therapy (bar reading) suggested it would have helped them to wake up sooner had I come downstairs to wake them.  I would have startled them right out of their sleepiness.  What dears they are!*!*!  Teenager sarcasm and wit is such a delight.
I did enjoy waxing a few eyebrows... What was that you were saying about "Mummy" earlier?? It really wasn't that bad, but it was sure fun to counter their whine with a good dose of sarcastic wit right back at them.

We tossed a couple of hockey games into the mix. Along with a significant number of hours working through the Star Wars movies.  Half of us want to refresh our memories by watching all 6 before we see number 7 in the theaters.  Fortunately 2 of the kids really do want to watch all of the movies in order!  My memory being what it is, it is nice to not be unanimously out voted on this one.  Movie time has still been productive.  I managed to reach another swagbuck goal so, another gift card will be coming!!

Managed to make it to church post-hockey game this morning.  Completely worked out by God.  Wonderful sermon series happening and the kids are enjoying it.  Connected with an old friend I haven't seen in a few months and has been on my heart.  God just knows and I just shouldn't be suprised, but I always am suprised by how perfectly orchestrated is His timing.

I am just in awe of how much God managed to help us accomplish in one weekend.  Recapping the day/week/weekend/month/year can be such a good thing.  Not exhausted from the weekend.  Instead I feel refreshed and overjoyed.  Much was accomplished.  Lots of laughter.  Some frustrations and life lesson angst.  So much joy, hugs, love, apologies, forgivenes, snuggles, and just comfortable in one another's presence while we hang out filled this weekend.   So very grateful for the tender mercies He poured out on us this weekend.

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