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Monday, January 18, 2016

Something New and Old and Precious.. Much to be grateful for!

I tried something new!
Not necessarily new new, but new to me since the accident!
So incredibly proud of myself.

The singles group at church had a bowling night.
I don't do too well in loud and noisy places.
But with my Ear-asers, I can normally enjoy myself for a little longer.
These ear plugs are amazing!

Before going, I had already decided I would just hang out and visit and cheer everyone on.
I had had a leisurely morning, but the afternoon, early evening hours had been challenging.
So off I went.
I just wasn't prepared with a sudden burst o discontent.
I wanted to "play," I didn't want to just sit and watch.
When I found out I could pay for just one game...
I decided what did I have to lose if I couldn't finish?
Then I was like, what if I fall?
What do I have to lose? My pride...
Well, I have lost that pretty much already.. so why not!
With a quick prayer that I wouldn't fall and encouragement from friends...
I bowled.

I did it!
8 frames in, I was tired.

But I hung in there.
My arm was tired.
My right side is just weaker than my left, but maybe one day that will change.
A few balance checks and wobbles.
A few vision hurdles, but I did it!
I haven't worked that "hard" brain wise in a while to push through and overcome to just have fun.
I am constantly working at pacing myself so I don't overdo...
I can't afford to overdo.
My kids need me to not overdo.
Learning the balance of pushing myself and not over doing it, is tricky.
Overdoing, inevitably means a long break.  Breaks that leave much not done.

So this night ~ it felt good to dig deep a bit and push myself a little harder than I normally do.
But feeling accomplished and proud.
Best part, I had fun!
And I felt cared for...
I am really enjoying the company of the new friends I am making.
People who rejoice with me.
Who share a faith that allows openly sharing.
People who encourage, are compassionate and accepting.
People who are willing to be there even if things go awry.
Willing to be there if I fall, whether it is to help or to laugh with me.
People who are unaffected by crazy speech and vision and balance.
They accept me as I am.

The next best part was telling my kids.
It is a wonderful thing to be encouraged by one's own kids.
To have them be happy for me and cheer with each step of progress I make!
It was bittersweet telling them, I could tell they wish they could have been there.
Each accomplishment I make seems to be just as important to them as it is to me.
My older ones, they remember before the accident. My youngest, he just doesn't have as many memories.  Hopefully, the ones we are presently making will remain precious and priceless to them.
Hopefully, they will always remember their momma didn't give up.
It was hard, but she stuck to it.
Tears yes, frustration yes, but in the end, I kept on.
I always eventually wiped my tears away.
I washed my face and put my big girl britches on and faced life with Jesus by my side, leading me on.

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