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Thursday, July 9, 2015

Casting a line....Catching more than fish...

The summer has been cooler than expected. The temps are a good 20-30 degrees lower than expected for July.

For us that means weather that Grandpa can get out and go fishing.  
Incredibly grateful for a cool summer evening that even requires layers and jeans, for warmth and protection from mosquitos and ticks.

The joy in being the first to catch! 

The excitement this sweet Princess exhibited when she learned of this option.  She quickly ditched her "social" plans for the quietness of the lake.  

Willing to go off for a bit by himself to see how the waters are over "there."  I admire his strength and willingness to do something "different" and go a different direction than others. 

A wiggly and constant in motion one, slows down and is actually stilled.  Suprisingly, but oh what Joy this mother had in watching him grow up years in just a few hours.  

Ever so grateful for this night, this summer, this year with my father.  Life and health may have slowed him down a bit more than he cares, but sometimes that slowing down brings about a different pace that is good and healing.
The hands that have tied many a hook and threaded many a worm.
Hands that now teach all of us the tricks he has learned over the course of 62 years of fishing!
I traveled back in time to almost 30 years ago, to a heart broken girl who came home and was discouraged and embarrassed.  There were no words that could comfort.  He did the only thing he could, he took that girl fishing.  After a few hours and several trout on the line, grief and tears were replaced with smiles, confidence and joy.  Time, quietness and alone with the father, sometimes, that is all we need. My Heavenly Father and I meet often, but my sweetest moments are when I am in His creation, stilled and away from the noise of life.  My mom met with Him on all her many walks and hikes away from the rush of life.  Many Sundays were spent quietly worshiping Him and with Him alone on a mountainside as she hiked and climbed.  I know of others that spend their time along the waters of a lake, river, on a bike and experience the solitude on a path with wind in their face.  Breathing deep and disconnecting from the frantic pace of life and technology.  So grateful for the chance to share that with my children this week.

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