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Saturday, August 8, 2015

Girls... They can do anything!! They are girly girly girly through and through!

We hear terms like tomboy, girly girl all the time.  I have 2 girls and 3 boys.  Plus, get this, I am a girl!  My interests are varied and abundant.  Guess what? so are the interests of all my kids!  All of us, we cross the gender lines all the time.  ALL.THE.TIME.
So I don't care much for Tomboy.
Because if you are a girl, you are a girl.  You are girly through and through.  You are a girly girl.  You are allowed to like glitter or not.  You can like pink or blue.  You can like getting in the dirt or wearing white and staying spotless.  You are a girl no matter what.  I love the fact that my girls and I are okay with getting dirty and definitely okay with getting all prettied and fancied up.  We are even allowed to change our mind depending on the moment.  This very moment, I don't feel like sweating or getting dirty and that is okay!  In an hour, I could possibly change my mind just as easily as changing my clothes.  That is life.  There is a time and place for everything!  !  !

Frankly, that is the story for anyone. Boys included. Learning to like variety and try new things and not being fearful of different leads to an adventure-filled fun life.  Seasons change as do opportunities and all you really have is this very present moment.  Best part of all this variety, is we don't know what the future will hold.  We don't know if we will parent all boys or all girls or have both.  As a parent, you gotta meet those blessings right where they are at and embrace the moments.  Variety and varied interests makes you a better friend, parent, family member.

This girl.  I love her dearly!
She has always been a mix of everything.  She likes glitter, lace, flowers, mud, dirt, sports, being active, crocheting, and drawing.  She embraces "contradiction" in styles.  She is exuberant.  I should not have been surprised when she volunteered to learn how to clean fish!
But she did.
Not only that, she stayed up to a crazy hour cleaning fish with her Grandpa!!
Meanwhile, I closed my eyes and listened to their voices, so exhausted I could not follow their conversation but stayed just awake enough to know they were still working.

She baits her own hook, takes the fish off, and then cleans them!
And does it with nail polish on her fingers.
She is ever so grateful this is a profile photo...because she is a girl after all and hadn't had a chance to clean up first. ;)

I took these while she was "teaching" me how to clean fish.

The evening's catch.  Some went to the freezer whole to become bait.  The rest she and Grandpa cleaned and put away for dinner in the future! 

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