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Monday, August 24, 2015

What I am learning!! Fish Fry!!

My youngest daughter, who isn't all that little anymore. She is 14, sniff, sniff...

For her birthday, she wanted fish.  This summer she discovered she liked fish.  The real kind.  Not the fish that comes in a stick in a box in the freezer section.  I bought some on sale tilapia one day and fixed it for dinner and she just about fell out of her seat because she liked it so much.  She was only eating it because she was hungry and it was dinner... So she was astounded that she liked fish.

We have been fishing this summer, and we weren't sure if there would be enough so we supplemented from the grocery store...   Catfish, Tilapia and whatever else we had caught.
I pulled out the cookbook, found a breading recipe and jumped in with both feet.
I didn't stop there, but I determined I would learn how to make hush puppies.

It was a success!  I didn't burn anything.  Hush Puppies were gobbled up.  I received a generous compliment from the Grandpa regarding Hush Puppies.  I wasn't expecting much my first time round.  I had never filled a pot with oil before and fried anything.  So my biggest concern is I would ruin dinner and eating out would be the story.  

If only, you knew the struggles I have had with cooking over the last year.  This was a feather in my hat success.  I even cooked some potatoes wedges and onion rings/slices for my girl.  The kids were astounded...real french fries!  

3 hours later... everyone was full, happy and ready to lounge...  
Success and Happiness all around. 

(pictures courtesy of my daughter... I was too busy cooking and they were eating it as soon as it was being set on the plate)

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